My dad has wisely suggested that I posted most often with fewer pictures in each post. I see the sense in this. Each post is turning out to be ginormous. Plus, I tend to leave out the fun details when I post 1,200 pictures. I'm hoping include more minor cultural incidents.
For example, if this post included 1,200 pictures, I wouldn't have time to tell you about my short search for hair products at the local salon. Ever since I returned to the blonde scene, my hair has been difficult. It's upset with me for dying it so much and for moving to a country where the water is more harsh. It's all grown out now and the layers have disappeared. To me, it looks more or less like a mop.
Even though I wash it maybe once every three days, it still feels dry and frizzy. Three days, people! Moreover, my hair now devours hair product like Pac Man. I put conditioner in my hair and by the time I go to wash it out, it's like there's nothing in my hair. It's weird. I've actually started putting baby oil directly onto my hair like conditioner. Times are tough.
So, I decided it was time for some professional help. I headed to the mall today and stopped into a salon. I ask for algun tipo de aceite para pelo, "some sort of hair oil." I figure I should at least get oil that's meant to go on my scalp.
The lady talks to a stylist for a moment. She returns with a huge shampoo bottle which features on its label a giant bulb of garlic. The shampoo is named, unceremoniously, "Garlic Shampoo." Estee, who was there for emotional support, bursts out laughing. She cannot take the bottle seriously, even though it's obvious that the ladies at the "unisex salon" truly do.They assure me that the product smells rico, "rich/good." To prove it, they open the bottle and hold it in front of my nose. They mean for me to smell it, and it actually does smell quite nice. I ask Cuanta cuesta?, "How much?" Thirty bucks. Really.
I can mash up garlic myself and put it on my scalp for less than a dollar. Is that wrong?
Also of note, the grocery store is now in full-blown Christmas mode. Decorations, candy, wrapping paper, Santa hats. This is what happens when one does not celebrate Halloween! Although, it's nobody's fault that Honduras doesn't really enjoy an autumn season. More on that later.
Here's a few pictures of Osa and I. She was uncooperative.
Included in the background: Brittany's legs.

Enjoy your week!
All my best and a thousand hugs from Honduras,
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