Last weekend, after the festivities of Fiesta Catracha, the whole of the IST community enjoyed a glorious three-day weekend. Some of us went to places like Amapala (a simple, but dreamy island off the southern coast of Honduras) and Lago de Yojoa (Honduras's famous lake, the lake), but many of us were tuckered out and chose to experience one of Tegus's many local charms: El Picacho.
Picacho is actually the name of the mountain that sits in the northernmost point of the city. It is a ramal (or "branch") off la Montaña de la Tigra where La Tigra national park is and where Jorge and Monica run their (amazing/delicious/European) hostel. Picacho is known in Honduras for a.) boasting the best view of the city and for b.) housing the monument El Cristo del Picacho which is a 30-meter high statue of Christ. Constructed in 1997, this statue is very similar to the statue Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro.
Welcome to Picacho!
Picacho also gives life to some beautiful gardens.

The inevitable flower picture.
"Honduras" spelled in delicate, groomed shrubbery.
A cool sign. It reads, I think, "Parks are tests of our culture."
You can't find these things in Michigan. I believe these are called "paradise" flowers.
Beautiful, green Honduras.
Jesus - that way!
And this is what we're here for, folks.

Taking in the view.
Estee and Kristi.
To some, this is the most important structure in the city.
This is a picture of the runway, yes, the runway strip in Tegus. IST and my neighborhood are not pictured, but reside to the upper left of the picture.
I love how there's just a random green mountain road in the middle of the city.
Morgan, that stud. He's heading home on October 11 to get married. When he makes his triumphant return to the city, his beautiful bride will be at his side (sounds like a country tune, now don't it?).
Kaytie and Marisha.
Estee and I trying to take a serious picture once again.
Morgan, suffering for his art.
And there he is.
Just below the statue.
Pedi's anyone?
The view.
A round soccer poli.
Luke 24: 50-51
Kinda looks like Jesus is insulting me.
This city is unreal!
Love this building.
The random mountain road again.

Basically, "The Lord can't help us take care of plants if we steal them and mistreat them!"

Random, but beautiful pyramid.
We saw some Honduran hotties at the top of that pyramid. This was the dialogue they shouted down to us.

We traveled to Valle de Angeles after Picacho. I love the colors of these houses!
We saw Valle's official marching band.

This guy was legit. Check out those dolphin pants. I don't remember ever seeing a marching xylophone.
A professional.
Here's a short video of the band. Watch the kid pictured above on the bottom left. I don't think he was supposed to start dancing! haha
What a great weekend!
In other news, we now have internet at the high school. I can check my email without having to walk up two floors to get a signal. There goes my fitness routine. . .
Hope everyone is enjoying the beginnings of fall in the States. Have a Robinettes donut or two for me!
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