And Lo! What's this I spy?
The comida tipica (typical food) stand at IST now offers a "Mini desayuno" (mini breakfast) plate for only 30 lempiras (roughly $1.50). Included?
- 3 tortillas de harina (flour tortillas)
- carne (meat - sausage? - on the top left of the plate)
- huevos (eggs)
- frijoles (beans)
- mantequilla (the white sauce in the middle - sort of like a sweeter sour cream. Oh yeah).
- quesillo semi-seco (the white block of cheese on the top right of the plate - delish).
- platanos fritos (fried plantains - my favorite!)
Did I take pictures while eating alone in my classroom? Sure did. Did I get a close up? Scroll down, sir.
You know it.
Alas, my Honduran breakfasts are numbered. I shall depart this beautiful land on the 30th of this month. Yes, that's less than two weeks from now. From San Pedro Sula, I will fly to Tampa, Fl. THere, I will meet up with my brother, sister-in-law, and my nephew and niece. Currently, the Mike Kehr family is traveling around the Sunshine State in a fancy travel trailer, selling glass mosaic art. Also, Mike and Tracy sometimes set up a booth at which art show attendees can make their own stepping stones.
This is my brother Mike (photo courtesy of Tracy Kehr). Not sure what prize he won, but he deserves it!
Tracy, my sister in law, is on the left. I love the piece with all the squares on the top right (ditto).

I'm going to be traveling with them, sleeping in parking lots, state parks and beaches alike. Hopefully, I will learn the art show ropes and help make some money to support their hippy lifestyle.
After Florida, I will make my return to Grand Rapids, possibly moving to Chicago in the near future. I did apply for a Fulbright grant to teach English in Spain. Hopefully I will hear about whether or not I passed the first round of eliminations soon.
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